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Kill Log + Razad Crazyness:

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  • Kill Log + Razad Crazyness:

    2 OPP vs. 4 Havoc + Assorted Others:

    No Losses

    2 OPP vs. 6 Assorted Mid-40s:

    This Cleric was at full health when we attacked and his first reaction was to invuln/run and spam trash talk while we killed everyone else in his group…and then him a few screens away. Laf…

    2 OPP vs. 6 DC/Randoms:

    No Losses

    Two of us headed to attack this mess in Razad. The fight started 2 OPP vs. 10 LAW in Razad:

    10+ kills vs. No Losses

    We chased them to the alter and then got hit by a group of Bladesworn, assorted randoms jumped in, and eventually Ebonlore before we moved out.

    People were commenting on my news post on 10-26 saying that 28 kills with 3 losses in a huge battle was unrealistic and made up. That’s nowhere near our best outing as I’ve shown here. 24+ DD kills + who knows how many DOT kills with 1 loss in the fight. With the amount of AE DOTs I can throw in these big fights it’s possible that we had as many as 50 kills, but we won’t know until SOE fixes the kill log. I hope that clears up the "possibility" of a very good Kill vs. Death Ratio no matter what the odds are...and if you think I'm not a primary target in any fight I'm in you're just crazy.

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